India got independent on August 15, 1947 from the clutches of the British rule. This year we are celebrating 76th independence day. This is a day for us to remind our freedom fighters. On this day National Flag is hoisted in every corner of India.
Today is a historic day in the history of our country. This day reminds us of our true worth and importance as a freedom-loving brave nation. The freedom that we enjoying today, is result of decades long struggle made by our ancestors and our great leaders.
Many freedom fighters and leaders sacrificed their lives to get independent this country.
One great personality of them named Allama Fazl-e-haque Khairabadi.
Who was Allama Fazl-e-Haque Khairabadi?
Allama Fazle Haque Khairabadi was born on 7th April 1797 in Khairabad, Sitapur (migrated to Delhi in the beginning of 19th century with his father where he brought up and obtained his education).

Who was Allama Fazl e Haque Khairabadi ?
Allama Fazle Haque Khairabadi was a great author, poet, writer, a great slamic scholar, Hanafi jurist, Maturidi theologian and philosopher.
He became Hafiz-e-Quraan only within 4 months and an Alim (religious academic and teachers) by the age of 13 after completing the entire curriculum in Arabic, Persian and religious studies. He was given to the post of Mufti in the Department of Qaza. He edited the first Diwan of Mirza Ghalib on his request. Allama’s first job was in East India company as a Kachehri chief of Delhi at the age of just 19. He was an activist of the Indian independence movement and campaigned against British occupation.
No one could have lived peacefully life during British rule.
No one could have sold his goods to other person except Englishmen. The Englishmen used to torture Indians. After all, seeing the injustice of the British rule Allama Fazle Haque khairabadi issued an early religious edict in favour of doing military jihad against British colonialism during 1857 and inspired various other to participate in the 1857 rebellion.
In the year of 1857, when the rebellion started he went to Delhi many times and held private meetings with the help of Bahadur Shah Zafer. This continued till May. On June 26 when General Bakhat Khan along with his army of 1400 reached Delhi from Bareilly, Allama after Namaz-e-Jumah(Friday prayers) delivered a speech before Ulema on Jihad against Britishers and issued a fatwa. The Fatwa was signed by Mufti Sadruddin Aazurda, Maulvi Abdul Qadir, Qazi Faizullah Dehelvi, Maulana Faiz Ahmad Badayuni etc.
That’s why he was tried in a court of British. The British judge sentenced life prison and sent to jail Andaman Nicobar. He passed away on 19 August in 1861.
In fact Fazl-e-Haque Khairabadi proved himself to be a priceless person in the history of freedom fighters of India.
He gave a precious patriotism massage to his future generations from his character, he may be killed but he can’t rebel from his country.
I’m concluding with this poetry.
سارے جہاں سے اچھا ہندوستاں ہمارا
ہم بلبلیں ہیں اس کی یہ گلستاں ہمارا
مذہب نہیں سکھاتا آپس میں بیر رکھنا
ہندی ہیں ہم وطن ہے ہندوستاں ہمارا