The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) admonished his followers: “Do not curse time (al-dahr), because Allah created it.”
On this, Imam Nawawi made the following observations: “Don’t blame the passage of time because Allah created it. If you curse time, you are also cursing its maker. Islam tells us that time passes quickly and easily and that it never comes back. It cannot be retrieved. It is also a priceless gift that humanity has, one that can be taken away at any time.”
Allah Almighty is both the Giving and the Withholder. Bear in mind that when Allah questions us on the Day of Judgment, we will have to answer Him regarding our lives and our acts. How did you spend your time and what did you do? What will you say in response before Allah on the day of judgement? Hence, be aware of the worth of time, make good use of it, and avoid wasting it.
When Buddha was questioned about the biggest life blunder, he said, “The biggest error we ever make in life is believing we have time”
Certainly, time is the most important thing in our lives. While we can go without food, clothing, a phone, reading material, writing, or speaking for a while, we cannot go without time since it is essential to our survival and the centre of our universe. It implies that as time is the name of life, we should respect it and recognise its worth.
Those who waste their time are foolish because, in addition to doing so, they jest with their life and ruin their future. We shouldn’t squander our time on worthless pursuits like video games, music, movies, or idle conversation. We can make the most of our time by engaging in positive activities like reading top-notch literature, lending a helping hand to those in need, working hard, etc.
You should be aware that the world has a wide variety of both goods and people. Even if you may have lost many things, you may always find them again. But, once time has passed, it never comes back. As a result, whenever you waste time, keep in mind that you are losing something valuable. You must therefore manage your time well.
The same manner that the sun does not treat anyone unjustly by withholding its light, whether they are rich or poor, time does not treat anyone unjustly either.
Every person has 24 hours, regardless of wealth, strength, age, health, or other characteristics. This includes royalty, commoners, slaves, and businesspeople. For everyone, it is equally vital. Time does not stop. But, the best results go to the one who uses it intelligently. Retain it in your memory at all times.
Time is not a slave and can be utilised freely even though it cannot be purchased or sold. Although you cannot keep it, you can spend it; nonetheless, once lost, it cannot be recovered.
Consult with the following people to determine the value of time: Ask a student who failed his or her exam what a year is worth. Speak with a mother who has just given birth to a kid to evaluate the value of a month. Find out how much a week is worth by asking someone who knows they only have one week left to live. What is the actual cost of a day for a worker who must work every day to support his family? What does a lover waiting for her love think one hour is worth? How much is a minute worth? Just inquire with the individual who missed his train. Ask the driver who faced death how much a second is worth.
Nobody on earth is so wealthy that they could purchase someone’s time, and nobody is so impoverished that they could not change his next opportunity. Some individuals say, “Time is money.” Don’t throw it away. Yet, I argue that it is completely false because it is possible to retrieve lost funds multiple times as opposed to only once. But once time has passed, it can never be made up, so appreciate it and don’t waste it.
The best teachers in our lives are time and experience. Time management is a lesson we learn from life. While teaching us the value of life is time. Hence, since your life is finite, don’t waste it.
The person who develops good time management skills succeeds in this world because he completes all of his tasks on schedule and never, under any circumstances, abandons a task unfinished. However, the person who does not develop good time management skills and continues to waste his time on pointless tasks will regret it, but his regret or remorse will not help him in any way.
According to Sufis, time is a sword’s cutter; as a result, if you don’t cut it, it will cut you. Another idea is that time is like a priceless pearl that has fallen into the sea and can never be found.
We must understand the importance of punctuality because everything in the world operates according to schedule. The sun rises and sets every day on its time. The moon rises on its schedule. Just as the seasons of winter, summer, and rain always come at their prescribed times, every act of God is finished on schedule. If these are delayed, farmers will experience issues, and the entire world system would be destroyed.
“Wasting time is the greatest deprivation,” according to Hafiz-e-Millat.
Teacher:- Darul Uloom Ahl-e-sunnat Hashmatul Uloom, Gaydeeh, Utraula Distt Balrampur U.P. India