Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas was celebrated at UEM Jaipur campus

The Ministry of Home Affairs has launched the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) to strengthen the capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and to improve coordination among the LEAs and other agencies. The MHA has also launched the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) to facilitate online reporting of cyber-crime incidents. In this regard, […]

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The Association of Serbian Writers has nominated Indian author Dr Jernail Singh Anand as Honorary Member of the Association. This appointment gains significance in view of the fact that just around a century back, in November 1926, Indian Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore too received this honour. Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic, the Serbian author, who was […]

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Farewell function held at Samastipur College (Mithala University) in honor of Prof. Kranti Kumar

Samastipur |A beautiful ceremony was organized on the retirement of Prof. Kranti Kumar K in the hall of Samastipur College, in which students and female students including the principal of the college Prof. Sathyan Kumar K as well as dignitaries of the city participated. , all acknowledged the services of Kranti Kumar and highlighted his […]

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MiG Crash in Rajasthan’s Barmer: Aircraft wreckage spread for half a kilometer, pilot injured; Rescue operation underway

There is news of MiG crash in Barmer, Rajasthan. : The wreckage of the plane is spread for half a kilometer, it is being told that the pilot is seriously injured; According to the news, the rescue operation is currently going on. The MiG of the Air Force crashed at around 9 pm on Thursday […]

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Curfew clamped in Rajasthan’s Hanumangarh; internet suspended

Curfew was clamped and internet services were suspended in Rajasthan’s Hanumangarh after the villagers, who were demanding action against suspected cow-slaughterers, clashed with police, official sources said on Thursday. As per the sources, alleging that a cow was slaughtered on Eid, the villagers had staged a sit-in since July 21 demanding action against the accused. […]

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FiR filed against Nupur Sharma by Raza Academy in Mumbai

Mumbai:Raza Academy had filed a formal complaint with the Mumbai Commssioner of Police against BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her blasphemous remarks on the Holy Prophet of Islam in the National channel Times Now. The Hon Commissioner of Police immediately ordered Pydhonie Police station to file and FIR under IPC 295A, 153A aur 505B against […]

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South Indian motivational speaker & teacher Mrs. Sabarimala accepted Islam

South Indian motivational speaker & teacher Mrs Sabarimala accepted Islam. As Fatima in first visit to Makkah she said, “I asked myself why so much hate against muslims in this country, I started reading Quran as a natural person, then I know the truth. Now I love Islam more than myselfShe requested Muslims to introduce […]

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Book of Molvi Asharf Sb. “Rah-e-Irfan” has been launched in J&K

Book rah e irfan writen book of molvi Ashraf gen secy Tanzeemul Madaris Ahl-e-Sunat sufi J&K release by socholars of kashmir university at kashmir university shahi hamdan R A department these scholars release the Book rah e irfan prof manzoor ahd bahat prof G N khaki prof M Y ganie prof prame prof ms ponam […]

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