Islam and Terrorism

Written by: Mohammad Mahboob Alimi
Amardobha dist sant Kabir Nagar.

             The opponents of Islam are accussing Islam from terrorist and terrorism and with lapts bad matters relating with Islam. While it’s so obvious that Islam is the best, perfect, completed, unique religion.according to it’s qualities and skills know by about Islam. they play the emotions of Muslims test  there patiences and different tactics are being used of Islam and prophet Hazrat محمد صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وسلم.
 Jew and Christians pay there nefarious roles in all period.
Opponents throughly know this fact that Islam is the most important source of humen being….but his believers are able to take benefits from Islam.

          Even a common Muslim bless understands to sacrifice his soul for the sake of protectiont the Holly Quran and Islam.that’s reason whenever a plan was made against Islam . Muslims have shown there Passions, loves and Faith .this is strange situation Europe, America  and other countries are propagating against Islam.
It’s not a new matter to humiliated Islam and it’s believers by yahood ,nasara and other religions.
Even today opponents of Islam are trying to stop the prophet’s Islam and Quran growing popularly of Islam.

While the support of Allah  is with all believers and all person, when has made conspiracy against of Islam.
           The religion Islam mostly is being accepted in Europe America and other countries in comparison of other religions.the Holly Quran mostly is being read over all world and it’s much readable book in world.
poisons against of Islam are being shared in Europe and America .even is scetched dirty schedule, even is attacked  from all sides of islam and Muslims.

         As being wronged on the siriya, Burma,filistin and other countries .and now this happening in India. How are being persecuted Muslims in India not hidden to any one ..
We should do good, avoid bads , help workers,change our characters , according to reads of Islam and be completed Muslim.

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