Alauddin Khilji the greatest king of India and military geniuses

Alauddin Khilji was one of India’s greatest kings and one of the world’s greatest military geniuses. He was born in Delhi in 1266 AD (and hence an Indian; not a foreign invader) and ruled as Sultan of Delhi from 1296 AD – 1316 AD. Khilji greatly expanded the empire that he inherited from his uncle. […]

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Indian Journalist Association had submitted a memorandum against the death threat to journalist Devendra Bhonde

Amravati, Maharashtra. Journalists under the leadership of District President of Indian Journalist Association Arun Wankhede protested against the threat of killing journalist Devendra Bhonde (District Secretary Indian Journalist Association and Editor-in-Chief Gavakadchi Chilobya News Channel) by Dr. Sujal Biswas and his colleagues. Handed over the memorandum.It was said in the letter that Devendra Bhonde, the […]

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A Session on Bhakti in Early Modern India at iSPELL India

Indigenous Society for the Promotion of English Language and Literature (iSPELL India) organized its 116th Sahityik Satsang virtually at Zoom platform. The Keynote Speaker Dr Dhurjjati Sarma gave an illuminating talk on the topic titled “The “Comparative” World of Bhakti in Early Modern India”. Mrs. Shweta Sur Das, Assistant Professor of English, Khairun Nessa Begum Women’s […]

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Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas was celebrated at UEM Jaipur campus

The Ministry of Home Affairs has launched the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) to strengthen the capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and to improve coordination among the LEAs and other agencies. The MHA has also launched the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) to facilitate online reporting of cyber-crime incidents. In this regard, […]

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The Association of Serbian Writers has nominated Indian author Dr Jernail Singh Anand as Honorary Member of the Association. This appointment gains significance in view of the fact that just around a century back, in November 1926, Indian Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore too received this honour. Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic, the Serbian author, who was […]

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Who are the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah that accept the celebration of Mawlid un-Nabī ﷺ as permissible or recommended?

They are the overwhelming majority of Ahl al-Sunnah. Just to mention some of them from the well known and established scholars from the hundreds ( ) are listed below, together with the title of their works where their position is stated: ❌ Individuals from living memory who prohibited it: Albāni, Bin Bāz, Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fawzān, […]

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The Queen has died, Buckingham Palace has announced.

Buckingham Palace said: “The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.” The announcement comes after Buckingham Palace issued a statement earlier on Thursday that the Queen was under medical supervision at Balmoral after doctors became concerned for […]

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