In today’s era, Public debates, international, national & political debates or religious debates, small & big issues, International & National issues and the world of criticism are mostly discussed by the people who lack the knowledge of this science, who do not know the science of criticism and those who do not know the standard of these issues.
If a person does not have knowledge of any specific issue, he should remain silent there.
Best Quality in a human being is to KEEP SILENCE.
If we see it from a religious parameter; Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) had once said; A Muslim should either speak good or remain silent.
“The Less a person will speak, the less mistakes he will make”.
Example; When we need to write an essay, we have two things in our mind; Quality and Quantity, If we go for quantity rather than quality, we will forcefully extend it and make more mistakes, like; If we have to write an essay about ‘teacher’ and we know only five lines about it, we will write only five lines, because if we will go for extending it, we will make innumerous mistakes.
Silence can answer those questions which words can’t. Silence helps us to reach our deep self. When silence starts speaking, it is louder than thousands of volcanoes. Sometimes, Silence explains a thing better than words.
If you really want to know what miracles silence can do, Just KEEP SILENCE!!!
Here, I present a poem on the same topic;
Let’s walk around the silence,
Let’s explore the silence,
Silence is the perfect answer,
Without talking you kill the fighter
Fighting is nothing but killing,
Silence is the answer for fighting,
Silence & Fighting has a connection,
The connection of getting Non-fiction
Silence is like the flying moon,
Like the sun at noon,
Silence is such a word,
That gives you the whole world.